Presidential Rank Award Winners

2022 Meritorious Executive
Mr. Joon Park
Mr. Joon Park, ARS’s acting associate administrator for research management and operations, was recognized as a 2022 Presidential Rank Meritorious Executive Winner. This award recognizes a select group of career members of the Senior Executive Service for exceptional performance over an extended period of time.

2022 Meritorious Executive
Mr. Archie Tucker
Mr. Archie Tucker, area director for ARS’s Southeast Area, was recognized as a 2022 Presidential Rank Meritorious Executive Winner. This award recognizes a select group of career members of the Senior Executive Service for exceptional performance over an extended period of time.

2022 Meritorious Senior Professional
Dr. Joan Lunney
Dr. Joan Lunney, supervisory research scientist with ARS’s Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory in Beltsville, MD, was recognized as a 2022 Presidential Rank Award Winner. This award recognizes senior career employees with a sustained record of exceptional professional, technical, and/or scientific achievement recognized on a national or international level.

2022 Meritorious Senior Professional
Dr. Matias Vanotti
Dr. Matias Vanotti, research soil scientist with ARS's Coastal Plains Soil, Water and Plant Research Center in Florence, SC, was recognized as a 2022 Presidential Rank Award Winner. This award recognizes senior career employees with a sustained record of exceptional professional, technical, and/or scientific achievement recognized on a national or international level.
2021 Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal

Dr. Mark Williams
Dr. Mark Williams, research agricultural engineer with ARS’s National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory in West Lafayette, IN, was a finalist for the Samuel J. Heyman Service to America Medal for Excellence in Water Quality Research. Dr. Williams has become a recognized authority on the movement, distribution, and management of water in agricultural settings, and how that water transports pollutants stemming from the use of fertilizers. Learn more.
Arthur S. Flemming Award

Dr. Douglas Gladue
Dr. Douglas Gladue, research microbiologist with ARS's Plum Island Animal Disease Research Center in Orient Point, NY, received the 2021 Arthur S. Flemming Award for his exceptional achievements in basic science. Dr. Gladue earned the award for the successful, expedited development of the first safe and effective vaccine against African swine fever virus. Learn more.