Researchers have developed a new, easier way to find the answer to the question, "How much carbon is stored in soil?"
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ARS researchers have developed a unique mobile system that assesses and maps out soil carbon to a depth of 30 centimeters (the plow layer) – all in real time.
Mar 01, 2022 -
Intercropping perennial herbaceous crops with trees successfully increased organic soil carbon levels.
Mar 24, 2021 -
ARS scientists collaborated to sequence and assemble the genomes of the ticks that cause cattle fever and anaplasmosis.
Apr 17, 2023 -
ARS researchers are studying genetics and breeding to make honey bees more resilient.
Apr 06, 2022 -
Scientists are producing new strains of cotton that offer both quality and abundance.
Mar 14, 2022 -
An improved genome reference sequence for the North American Atlantic salmon and the first DNA chip enables the use of genomic information in breeding strategies.
Feb 22, 2022 -
An improved genome reference sequence for the North American Atlantic salmon and the first DNA chip enables the use of genomic information in breeding strategies.
Feb 22, 2022 -
Researchers with the ARS Honey Bee Breeding, Genetics, and Physiology Research Unit have identified a region of the honey bee genome linked to reduced colony defensiveness.
Feb 11, 2022 -
The USDA-USAID Livestock Improvement Project is an 8-year international program to enhance genetic gains made in local goat populations.
Mar 24, 2021 -
Planting cover crops and not tilling the soil improves the soil’s carbon balance with minimal impact on the water balance.
Apr 05, 2021 -
A team of ARS scientists in cooperation with Pacific Biosciences published the first genome of the invasive spotted lanternfly.
Mar 23, 2021 -
ARS scientists have developed novel RNA interference technology that interrupts the expression of critical whitefly genes.
Jul 27, 2020 -
ARS scientists are using gene editing to assist in the development of a vaccine for
African swine fever.Jul 26, 2020 -
The National Plant Germplasm System--a collection of seeds, cuttings, bud wood, rootstocks, and other plant material--has had over 209,700 accessions shipped to 81 countries.
Mar 13, 2019 -
In an effort to reduce cooking time, ARS scientists discovered that genetic differences exist among beans that determine how long it takes the bean to cook.
May 25, 2018 -
ARS researchers are at the forefront of cutting-edge genomics research that is providing breeders with the molecular tools they need to improve on key traits such as disease resistance.
Apr 16, 2018 -
ARS researchers are developing better ways to improve animal production by using more precise techniques and tools.
May 09, 2017