ARS researchers are working to counter Emerald Ash borers with releases of the parasitic wasp Tetrastichus planipennisi and gene-based control.
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A team of ARS and Boyce Thompson Institute researchers in Ithaca, NY, may have found a weak link in the citrus-greening disease cycle.
May 09, 2019 -
ARS researchers decided to examine the genetics that underpin broccoli's ability to cope with heat stress.
May 07, 2019 -
ARS scientists have teamed with the University of Arkansas to introduce veterans to the farming profession and teach them basic agricultural practices.
May 06, 2019 -
ARS researchers have created silver nanoparticles whose antimicrobial properties can be passed directly into the cotton fibers that make up fabrics and textiles.
Apr 26, 2019 -
ARS researchers and APHIS colleagues developed a new test that quickly identifies red imported fire ants
Mar 29, 2019 -
ARS Electron and Confocal Microscopy Research Unit helps expand the scientific understanding of microbes, pests, and pathogens that attack crops, infect livestock, and sicken thousands of people each year.
May 23, 2019 -
Researchers are exploring the use of robots to take on hazardous duties related to studying wind erosion of soils and the expansion of deserts.
May 22, 2019 -
ARS researchers in Oregon have bred more than 20 varieties of hops since the 1950s.
May 15, 2019 -
Researchers discovered the amino acid, L-glutamine shows potential to serve as a natural antibiotic alternative to promote growth and well-being in piglets.
May 10, 2019 -
ARS researchers helped evaluate new strains of tilapia that can resist the bacteria that cause the deadly fish disease streptococcosis.
May 07, 2019 -
ARS researchers have fitted beef cattle with special collars to monitor their movements and behavior.
May 02, 2019 -
A team led by ARS scientists in Wooster, OH, developed and tested the smarter sprayer technology.
Apr 22, 2019 -
Researchers have developed a self-propelled apple-harvest and in-field-sorting prototype machine.
Apr 17, 2019 -
ARS scientists investigated using a robotic vision system, RoTSE, to prune fruit trees during the winter.
Apr 17, 2019 -
ARS researchers have been on the forefront of studies to diagnose prion diseases in vulnerable livestock.
Apr 12, 2019 -
The U.S. Meat Animal Research Center provides scientific information and new technologies that can be utilized on problems affecting the beef, sheep, and swine industries.
Apr 05, 2019 -
ARS researchers are focusing on the honey bee “microbiome”—the bacteria and other microbes that inhabit the insect's gut.
Mar 04, 2019 -
ARS researchers have been on the forefront of studies to diagnose prion diseases in vulnerable livestock.
Feb 15, 2019