Scientists have assembled a collection of yeasts that convert agriculture waste into bio-oil, which is then easily converted into biodiesel or renewable jet fuel.
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ARS researchers collaborated with Kansas State University to reduce the potential consequences of the Japanese encephalitis virus entering the United States.
Apr 18, 2023 -
ARS researchers studied the transmission dynamics of avian influenza virus in disease outbreaks of both commercial and backyard flocks.
May 01, 2023 -
Researchers developed a portable, dual detection biosensor that enables on-site testing of samples for mercury and displays the results on a smart phone.
Apr 26, 2023 -
Scientists have identified a tomato gene that's responsible for the softening process in the fruit as it matures, and found a way to inhibit the gene, keeping tomatoes firmer, longer.
Apr 24, 2023 -
Scientists found that fish raised in reused water faced significantly higher mortality rates that those grown in tanks supplied with fresh spring water.
Apr 20, 2023 -
Researchers determined that clam byproducts and hemp fibers meet the nutritional needs of farmed fish Florida pompano.
Apr 18, 2023 -
Researchers have teamed up with wine growers to determine whether waste from wine grapes can be converted into healthy food components.
Apr 18, 2023 -
ARS scientists collaborated to sequence and assemble the genomes of the ticks that cause cattle fever and anaplasmosis.
Apr 17, 2023 -
ARS scientists are studying the potential health risks of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA).
Apr 04, 2023 -
Scientists are taking grazing to a new level by developing sheep that prefer or tolerate the bitter taste of plants.
Apr 04, 2023 -
Changes in cattle rumen associated with liver abscesses remain well after the early development of rumen acidosis caused by high corn diets.
Mar 16, 2023